Discussions between the Cairo Chamber and the Brazilian Embassy to increase trade exchange

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Wednesday - 28 September 2022 - 11:9 AM


The Cairo Chamber of Commerce announced holding talks with the Embassy of Brazil with the aim of increasing exchange visits to increase the volume of trade and investment exchange to support bilateral economic relations in light of the strong relations between Egypt and Brazil.




First Vice Chairman of the Cairo Chamber Ahmed Al-Weisimy stated that it was decided with the ambassador to exchange visits and intensify meetings between the business community in the two countries to discuss all joint trade and investment opportunities, utilizing the linking situation that the Chamber and the embassy will create between businesspersons in Egypt and Brazil, and beneficiaries. Additionally, from the two nations' political leadership's strong encouragement of investment and investors, particularly the Egyptian president's directions, which we emphasize in all of our interactions with ambassadors, commercial attachés, and international delegations.




Sameh Zaky, Second Vice Chairman of the Cairo Chamber, said that the ambassador is very cooperative, and it was agreed with him to organise bilateral meetings between Egyptian exporters and importers and their counterparts from Brazil, whether in the Cairo Chamber or in Brazil, through exchanging visits and discussing ways to increase joint cooperation, whether with regard to trade and investment exchange or establishing joint investments between the two countries, especially since Egypt is rich in products that the Brazilian market can benefit from, as well as Egyptian investment opportunities.