Signing an Accounting Agreement for the Retail Jewelry Trade Activity

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Monday - 14 November 2022 - 2:20 PM


Eng. Ibrahim El-Araby, President of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and President of the Cairo Chamber, and Mokhtar Tawfik, Head of the Egyptian Tax Authority, signed an "accounting agreement for the activity of retail jewelry" for estimated cases in accordance with the provisions of Law 91 of 2005 and its amendments and executive regulations.





This came within the framework of the directives of the Minister of Finance to build bridges of trust, cooperation, and communication with the tax Authority and solve all problems and obstacles.





For his part, Eng. Ibrahim El-Araby emphasised that the signing of this agreement marks a new achievement in the collaboration between the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and the Division of Gold, Silver, and Platinum Jewelry on the one hand, and the Ministry of Finance, the Egyptian Tax Authority, on the other. He also noted that this is a fruitful approach used by the Ministry of Finance and the Egyptian Tax Authority in ongoing communication with the tax community.





For his part, Eng. Ibrahim El-Araby emphasized that the signing of this agreement marks a new achievement in the collaboration between the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and the Division of Gold, Silver, and Platinum Jewelry on the one hand, and the Ministry of Finance, the Egyptian Tax Authority, on the other. He added that the Egyptian Tax Authority and the Ministry of Finance regularly engage the tax community using this method, which has proven to be effective.





Ibrahim El-Araby thanked the Minister of Finance, the head of the Egyptian Tax Authority, and the authority's leaders for their efforts to reach this protocol, as well as for responding to the invitation and celebrating the signing of the accounting agreement.



Mokhtar Tawfiq stressed that the signing of this accounting agreement comes from the keenness of the Ministry of Finance and the Tax Authority to take into account the developments that have occurred in the activity of the jewellery trade in general and the retail jewellery trade in particular, and from the desire of the Ministry of Finance, the Tax Authority, and the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce to reach solutions to the existing disputes between this activity and the Authority and work to avoid any disputes that may arise in the future.