Ehab Saied: We Seek To Implement The Electronic Invoice In Line With Technology.

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Monday - 26 December 2022 - 2:27 PM


Ehab Saied, a member of the Cairo Chamber's Board of Directors and the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce's Head of the General Division of Communications and Financial Technology, emphasised the significant support given by Eng. Ibrahim El-Araby, President of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and President of the Cairo Chamber, to implement the digital transformation system and automate services.



Ehab Saied, a member of the Cairo Chamber's Board of Directors and the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce's Head of the General Division of Communications and Financial Technology, emphasised the significant support given by Eng. Ibrahim El-Araby, President of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and President of the Cairo Chamber, to implement the digital transformation system and automate services, and by relying on the use of the electronic invoice, it will reflect favorably on the market's stability, the consolidation of the principle of fair competition, and the introduction of the formal economy into the official system. As a result, we must support the electronic invoice system and make it successful because it will foster great discipline and the official and quick delivery of information,causing everyone to exercise his rights.



" Saied " emphasized the need to dispel stereotypes that some people are used to, as well as the fear of engaging in modern development experiences. He emphasized the need to reassure citizens that utilising technological systems is not harmful but rather a type of development that, if ignored, will negatively affect businesses and individuals.



Saied said that Egypt is transforming digitally, and we as merchants and citizens must keep pace with this transformation and electronic signature, and this is not only for merchants and professionals but for every citizen, who will have a digital identity such as his national number to deal with it remotely to obtain through it the various services that will save the cost of moving to receive services.



Therefore, we moved quickly in the Cairo Chamber to contract with companies providing stamp and electronic signature issuance services at reasonable prices. From 350 pounds per year to 500 pounds, and from 750 pounds to a maximum of 1000 pounds, and the electronic signature of any person with his identification card, and this is the digital identity, as for the electronic seal for legal persons and companies, there is a coding service that allows him to conduct B2B interviews, whether from merchant to merchant or from company to company, and also B2C for individuals.