Following The Example Of His Father, Ibrahim El-Araby Holds An Iftar Banquet For Chambers' Members.

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Wednesday - 5 April 2023 - 10:24 AM


The members of the board of directors, the members of the Cairo Chamber, and the administrative staff were invited to the annual Ramadan Iftar banquet by engineer Ibrahim Mahmoud Al-Araby, who is the chairman of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and  also the Cairo Chamber. In order to reinforce the ties of love and friendship among all the members of the chamber, he continued the work of his father, Hajj Mahmoud El-Araby.




He followed in the footsteps of Hajj Mahmoud El-Araby to strengthen the bonds of love and friendship among all members of the chamber. During the iftar, Engineer Ibrahim El-Araby emphasised the social role of chambers of commerce, which is of great importance and no less important than their economic role. He also stated that the boards of directors of chambers of commerce in different provinces are constantly interested in this role, and this interest increases during the holy month of Ramadan.




The large attendance made El-Araby happy, and he noted that the success of the commercial system is based on the unity of the Chamber of Commerce's members and staff. Hence, the roles complement each other to promote and develop the different sectors of our beloved country, leading to the advancement of the national economy. In light of the state's general plan, which depends on digital transformation for all transactions, the emphasis on employees and the improvement of their administrative and functional performance is crucial in the current and upcoming periods. Development and progress thus encompass both business and administrative activities.



Many people with special needs attended the celebration, which was a heartwarming sight that brought joy to everyone. Engineer Ibrahim El-Araby interacted with them, exchanged greetings, and took memorable photos.