Cairo and German Chambers of Commerce to Collaborate for Employment of Egyptian Youth in Germany

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Sunday - 16 July 2023 - 11:33 AM


Soon... Twinning between the Cairo Chamber of Commerce and the German Industry and Trade Chamber to employ Egyptian youth in Germany
The Cairo Chamber of Commerce is preparing to sign a twinning agreement with the German Industry and Trade Chamber to provide trained Egyptian youth to work in the German market. This comes as part of the integration of efforts by the Egyptian government in coordination with all relevant parties.
In this regard, the Cairo Chamber, through its Foreign Labor Recruitment Companies Department and its executive body, held a video conference meeting with representatives from the German side this week to complete previous meetings for arrangements, coordination, and finalizing the touches to conclude this agreement, which is expected to be completed soon between the Egyptian and German sides.
This twinning aims to achieve joint Egyptian-German interests, where job opportunities will be provided for Egyptian youth to work in the German market to fill the shortage of trained labor in various sectors, including the medical sector.
The advantages of this twinning are numerous, as the Cairo Chamber seeks to provide job opportunities for Egyptian youth in support of government efforts to reduce unemployment rates, provide hard currency, and support the national economy.