Women's Committee Hosts Tailoring Workshop on Tuesday and Thursday; Cairo Chamber of Commerce Offers Specialized Training on Tailoring Trousers

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Monday - 24 July 2023 - 9:45 AM


Dr. Laila El-Beialy, a member of the Cairo Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and the head of the Women's Committee, stated that this workshop will be conducted over two sessions, with each session lasting four training hours, from 10 am to 2 pm. The workshop will take place on Tuesday, 25th July, and Thursday, 27th July 2023, at the Cairo Chamber's headquarters, 4 Al-Falaki Square, Bab Al-Louq, Cairo.



The Women and Trade Committee is also holding a workshop on the art of rattan products to familiarize trainees with the tools, materials used, and places of sale. This workshop will be conducted over two sessions on Monday, 24th July, and Wednesday, 26th July 2023.



Dr. Laila El- Beialy stated that these workshops are part of the committee's activities to support productive families and artisans. They are also part of a series of workshops, seminars, and meetings held by the committee in the previous period and the future plan aimed at supporting these craftspeople and productive families.