Report on the visit of Cairo Chamber's delegation to Cyprus – Larnaca

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Wednesday - 29 January 2014 - 8:29 PM


Report on the visit of Cairo Chamber's delegation to Cyprus – Larnaca With the aim of signing  a protocol
of cooperation between Cairo Chamber of Commerce and Larnaca Chamber of Commerce during
the period from 22 to 25 January 2014
In the framework of developing trade and economic relations between Egypt and the outside world, Cairo
Chamber of  Commerce exerts best effort to create investment and new business  opportunities in both
inside and outside Egypt. 
 a delegation of Cairo Chamber including : -
1 - Mr. Ali Shoukry Senior Vice President of the Chamber
2 - Mr.  El Basha Idriss Cairo Chamber's treasurer 
3 - Mr. Khalid Mohammed, General Director of the Public Relations and Journal
Visited  Cyprus - Larnaca during the period from 22 to 25 january 2014 in order to sign a protocol of
cooperation between Cairo Chamber of Commerce and  Larnaca Chamber of Commerce in a visit
program, included Many meetings. 
- Meeting with General Secretary of Commerce, Industry, and energy Ministry
Dr. Stelios D. himonas- and The Director of external relations with the EU- Mr.bombos charalambous.
During the meeting, the Secretary General explained that we should energize the trade between the two
countries, and the Cyprus Ministry of trade is ready to support this goal and will try hard to overcome all
obstacles of trade.  
Mr. Ali Shukri -Senior Vice President of the Chamber and head of the delegation- said during the meeting
that Governments and business organizations should pave the way for business and remove obstacles
that could face the business to achieve integration of peoples for achieving a better standard of living.
-in the Meeting with Mr. Andreas A. Antoniadis, Director of Nicosia Chamber  were discussed the need to
organize meetings and business communities between businessmen in both countries and seize this
opportunity to establish the Egyptian-Cypriot Business Council from Cairo and Larnaca chambers. Ali
Shukri said that  establishing Council from the members of the two Chambers will contribute effectively in
opening new horizons between the two chambers in the field of trade and investment.
 a business and expanded meeting was held to sign a protocol of cooperation between the two
chambers in the presence of 
1 - His Excellency the Cypriot Minister of Communications 
2 – Mrs Heba El Marassi ambassador of Egypt in Cyprus
3 - Mayor of Larnaca 
4 - President of the Cyprus Chamber 
5 -  President of Larnaca Chamber 
6 - members of Parliament and members of Larnaca Chamber 
7 – Ms. Manal Abdel Tawab - head of the Republic of Egypt's Trade Office in Cyprus
In his speech Mr. Tassos Mitsuo barlos Minister of communications reported that Egypt is one of the best
partners in the region and aims to deepen and increase Trade exchange and the protocol of cooperation
between the two Chambers will have a positive effect on the economy of both countries. he  expressed
that the Government  committed to facilitate the cooperation between Egypt and Cyprus,as well as
 the signing of this Protocol between both chambers will lead to the expansion of ties between
the Egyptian-Cypriot business communities 
in his speech, Mr. Ali Shukri - Senior Vice President of Cairo Chamber, and head of the delegation, said
the signing of the protocol of cooperation between the two chambers aims to reinforce several axs to
help this convergence between them like : 
1 - Participation in the organizing meetings and commerical  communities between businessmen in
both countries.
2 - the exchange of trade delegations between the two chambers with providing all possible assistance.
3 - exchange of information on markets and establishing joint exhibitions, publishing business
opportunities and other means and measures that would facilitate trade between the two countries.
He also pointed out that  Egypt now has a compatible constitution  and then will be followed by
presidential and parliamentary elections and this means" we put our feet on the right path to achieve
the roadmap with a clear vision for a bright future" .
Mr. Ali Shukri thanked Mr. Othan Theodoulou- president of Larnca Chamber for the warm reception and
the Chamber's serious desire for cooperation and activating this protocol to get to achieve the desired
results of increasing commercial activity between the two countries. he also invited him and
the chamber's members to visit Cairo Chamber as soon as possible.
And also gave thanks to Mr. / George Bartillo- the Chamber of Larnaca board member  and Chairman of
the Board of Directors of IPC for his coordination and in the success of this event,
He also thanked Mrs. Manal Abdel Tawab - head of the Egyptian Commercial Office- for her  great efforts
and her effectively contribution in arranging these meetings.
Mrs Heba El Marassi ambassador of Egypt In Cyprus- also explained that she supports this important
event and all the following steps resulting from this cooperation . she as well as invited Cairo Chamber's
delegatin for Egyptian Embassy Celebration in occassion of 25th january Revolution anniversary with
Egyptian community residing in Cyprus. Mr Ali Shukri accepted this invitation and sharing the joy with
the Egyptians in Cyprus.
the delegation ended the visit to Cyprus hoping for strong bilateral relations,increasing investement
opportunities, and achieving economic prosperity for both countries .