The report of the action plan for social responsibility - ISO 26000

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Sunday - 16 February 2014 - 2:43 PM


The vision:



Is that the Chamber of Commerce in Cairo be the leading voice for the business community, and to


occupy a respected position in Egypt and the Middle East so that it becomes the model and the standard


emulated in the service of the merchants.




The message:



To represent, support and protect the interests of the business community and to expand opportunities


for members through the provision of services with an outstanding level, in order to contribute to


sustainable economic development within the governorate of Cairo.




The task:



·        The Chamber of Commerce in Cairo provides many vital services to its members, including:



·        Issuance of certificates of Practice licenses.



·        Issuance of certificates of origin.



·        Organization of the people' various commercial work and working to solve their problems.



·        Preparation of research and economic studies on the market for many goods and services.



·        Contacts with the social bodies to find appropriate ways of contact between the Egyptians and


foreigners businessmen and traders.



·        Informing the members of the Chamber about international and local exhibitions and conferences.



·        Providing training courses for traders and various fields which belong to the trade affairs, in order to


achieve the benefit for the trader.



This is whole done by following a moral behavior, in a way that is transparent in decision-making and


complies with applicable laws and international standards of behavior, which would contribute in


achieving sustainable development and the welfare of the community, which shall qualify the Chamber of


Commerce in Cairo to achieve its vision for the future.



Formation of ISO committee to follow-up and performance evaluation



Terms of reference of the Committee:



- Follow up and monitor the implementation of laws and regulations.



- Follow-up accidental coordination between departments and monitor the communication between





- Ensure the bookkeeping and administrative records at the chamber, according to the regulations and





- Ensure that each employee is practicing functional competencies, according to the Job Description


card; in detail and the absence of a conflict between the terms of reference.



The powers of the Committee:



- The Committee shall have all the powers that assist in performing its tasks.


- Every member of the Committee shall be entitled to access to what he needs of the documents or


papers, to help him in performing his mission or to inform the officials of the ISO committee in the case


of failure of departments or their employees.


- Any of the departments or their employees shall be subjected to legal accountability, in the event of


negligence, to be referred to the investigation in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable in


the chamber.



The results of the Committee's work:



- The Committee is to prepare reports of its work, to be submitted to the formed ISO committee.



- Changing of half of the members of Committee to be done every six months, to ensure the transparency


and the selection criterion shall be the efficiency, excellence, the ability to communicate with others,


the social intelligence and the familiarity with the work of each department.



Formation of ISO committee to follow-up and performance evaluation



Terms of reference of the Committee:



- Follow up and monitor the implementation of laws and regulations.



- Follow-up accidental coordination between departments and monitor the communication between



- Ensure the bookkeeping and administrative records at the chamber, according to the regulations and





- Ensure that each employee is practicing functional competencies, according to the Job Description


card; in detail and the absence of a conflict between the terms of reference.



The powers of the Committee:



- The Committee shall have all the powers that assist in performing its tasks.


- Every member of the Committee shall be entitled to access to what he needs of the documents or


papers, to help him in performing his mission or to inform the officials of the ISO committee in the case


of failure of departments or their employees.


- Any of the departments or their employees shall be subjected to legal accountability, in the event of


negligence, to be referred to the investigation in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable in


the chamber.



The results of the Committee's work:



- The Committee is to prepare reports of its work, to be submitted to the formed ISO committee.



- Changing of half of the members of Committee to be done every six months, to ensure the transparency


and the selection criterion shall be the efficiency, excellence, the ability to communicate with others,


the social intelligence and the familiarity with the work of each department.




Traders' charter of honor

 Between the Chamber of Commerce in Cairo and the traders of the capital





• The contemporary trade witnesses a rapid development at the international and local levels; types of


trade have appeared to control this technical and technological progress.



• And due to fundamental shifts in the principles, methods and commercial laws, whether at the national


or global level.



• And because of the major role played by trade in a broad sense to support the national economy and


serve the Egyptian man and society.



• Since it was noted that some traders are paying attention of material and commercial gain under this


development without considering the means - and where our tolerant religion had urged to gain, but in


the legal framework.



• And as the traders should have specific morality and ethics which they should characterized by from all


other, so there is a legitimate controls should be displayed by the trader and to make them a guiding light


in his business life.



• As the Chamber believes that its primary role is to take care of traders and the regional commercial and


industrial interests in the governorate, as well as supporting social work and social responsibility and


activating the law and the Constitution to achieve transparency and justice.



The Charter



• The profession of trade: it means trade in its broad sense – procurement, renting with the intention of


selling or leasing goods or services at their normal conditions or after adding changes in their shapes,


components, locations or time, as well as the establishment of commercial companies, the supply of


goods, agency, brokerage, different types of insurance, business of the tourism offices, banks and


brokerage processes.....etc.



• All those who are practicing trade, this noble - dignified profession, shall undertake to observe Allah in


all their business dealings, taking into account their homeland and not to offend or harm it and to provide


goods and services to consumers in the best form and at the right price without cheating or fraud. They


also undertake to abide by the highest standards of ethical behavior and the economic, social and


environmental sustainability.



• Every trader, whether natural or legal person, shall be committed to the following:



• First: towards the citizens:



1 – The commitment to truth and honesty in his business and in accordance with the laws.



2 – The tolerance and compassion when buying and selling.



3 - Refrains from exercise cheating or fraud to the citizens.



4 - Not to exaggerate in prices and profit margins.


5 - Not to monopolizes goods or take advantage of crisis or fabricate them.



6 - Avoiding speculating in the markets.



7 - Taking care of the rights of consumers, this was shortened in rights of (listen - Science - Justice -


choice - Transparency - the Secretariat).



8 - Commitment to give citizens an invoice proving the price of the goods or service that the consumer


has paid.



9 - The trader is to put on the facade of his shop and in all correspondence and publications relating to


his trade, his trade name, the name of Commercial Register office registered at the registration number.



Second: towards his colleagues:



1 - Abides by rules of fair competition and promotes a spirit of cooperation with his colleagues traders.



2 - To fulfill his financial and contractual obligations with his colleagues, banks and financial institutions,


without procrastination.



3 - Be taken into account, when prompted for his rights at his colleagues, the facilitation and


non-exploitation and injustice (the perception of concessionary).



4 - The Secretariat and non-aggression on the trademarks or on the trade names of others or on their


patents or industrial secrets, which they have the right to invest them.




Third: towards the community:



1 - Business bookkeeping to prove the details of the different types of business processes, and not to


manipulate them.



2 - Not to rumor or promote to rumors that will cause the instability and economic and social security of


the country.



3 - Not to offend the religions.



4 - Commitment to the vision and strategy of the country in the field of development and management of


the national economy.



5 - Commitment to the order and public morals.


6 - Commitment to disclose his activities and work as advertised and in the legitimate frameworks of


the trade.



7 - Not to exploit his political position or his contacts with officials to achieve financial interests or


objectives unlawfully.



8 - Abiding by the trading rules, regulations, systems, habits and practices that govern commercial activity


and the agreements between contractors.



9 - The initiative to pay the rights of the public treasury of taxes and duties without delay and not to evade


or smuggle.



10 - Not to exploit the road by any means, whether by occupancy or throwing the wastes in the road ... etc.



11- Not trafficking in goods or materials that pose a threat to human health or to the environment.

12 – It may not to do any work marred by corruption, extortion or embezzlement.


13 - Not to accept or pay any bribes or to engage in any other illegal inducements business, whether in


business or government relations.


Controls of practicing the profession:



• Without prejudice to any penalties or criminal, civil or disciplinary sanctions stipulated by applicable


laws and regulations, the contrary of the texts contained in this Charter, the violation of the fundamentalist


rules and applicable customs between traders or any action that affects the fairness of the business or


affects in any form the ideal role that must be done by the trader and trade towards the community shall


be considered a professional breach requiring the accountability



 in accordance with the applicable regulations and laws, and shall be dealt with according to


the perpetrated contravention and the Chamber shall place him in the black list and shall make him not


to benefit of the services of the Chamber.




Fourth: towards his labor:



1 – It may not to use child labor lower than 18 years old.


2 - A workplace free of harassment and discrimination should be provided and it may not be


discrimination based on sex, race, color or religion.


3 - A workplace free of human rights violations should be provided, including sexual harassment and


corporal punishment.



4 - Put the wages of workers according to the wage laws in force, including the minimum wage, overtime


hours and the payable benefits.



5 – The rights of workers should be respected as provided for in the laws; in the seriousness of forming


the unions, join or not to join labor unions and the seeking to represent or join the workers' councils.


Workers should be able to communicate openly with management regarding working conditions.



• Fifth: towards the environment, health and safety:



1 - Obey all applicable laws, regulations, guidelines and environmental industry rules.


2 - Should get all the required environmental permits and licenses, record all the information,


the commitment to limitations and meet their operational requirements and reporting requirements.


3 - Systems should use to ensure the proper handle, transport, storage, recycling, waste reuse and


management, air emissions and wastewater discharges, that could have a negative impact on human


health, the environment or to be controlled and handled properly before released into the environment.


4 - Systems should be used to prevent any accidental leakage or withdrawal to the environment and to


mitigate its occurrence.



5 - Should conserve natural resources, refrain completely from hazardous materials whenever possible


and reuse or recycle appropriate materials.



6 - To provide a safe and healthy working environment for workers.



7 - To protect workers from excessive exposure to the risks of chemical, biological and physical





8 - Use of programs to prevent any catastrophic leak of chemicals.



9 - To identify cases of emergency in the workplace and mitigate its impact.



10 - The Secretariat information is to provide, relating to dangerous substances, including catalytic


pharmaceutical compounds and materials to educate workers and protect them from risk.



11 - To encourage their employees to report any violation or illegal activities in the workplace without fear


of reprisal.


Standards of worker' ethical and functional behavior


Worker must abide the following :-



1. To perform the work assigned to him accurately, honestly, transparency and fairness.


2. The working time should be devoted to the performance of his duties, maintain work schedules and


follow the procedures prescribed by the regulations of the Chamber in case of absenteeism.



3. To collaborate with his colleagues in the performance of duties required to secure the workflow.



4. To keep the work secrets.



5. To maintain the property and funds of the Chamber and what in his custody of documents, logs,


machinery and so on.



6. To maintain the dignity of occupation, decent behavior and to treat in a good manner by his colleagues,


his superiors and the public dealing with the Chamber, as well as to perform their interests in a timely





7. To maintain his personal reputation and Chamber reputation and distancing himself from any





8. To perform the orders issued to him within the limits of applicable laws and regulations at


the Chamber.



9. Commitment to wear suitable outfit of the work and commitment of employees of administrations


allotted a specific uniform to wear it "those who are provided with formal attire".



10. To comply with all applicable laws and regulations at the Chamber.







Second: the worker is prohibited to do the following - the prohibitions



1. Violation of the rules of attendance and leave or manipulation at the clock or reveal attendance to prove


unlike the truth.



2. Preoccupation with anything from the work or sleep during working hours.


3. Smoking in no-smoking areas.



4. The worker does not save papers and documents within the designated areas or retaining the origins


of official documents or removing from their files without permission.


5. Use the information obtained by virtue of his work for the achievement of personal interest to him or


disclosing matters which he is informed by virtue of his work, if they were secret.


6. To hide or attempt to hide irregularities relating to work.



7. Negligence or shorten in work, refraining from the performance of work without justification or disable


the interests of the public.



8. To insert unauthorized things, conduct commercial transactions within the workplace or insert


alcoholic beverages or drugs and ingest them.



9. Failure to perform work Instructions, whether written or had been as custom work or incitement to


violate the instructions or order of work, which is abusive to work and its good flow.



10. Causes disorder during the investigation or to give intentionally false information or testimony.



11. Violation of financial rules and provisions set forth in the regulations and the laws in force at


the Chamber.



12. Distortion or misuse of the Chamber' buildings, corridors or property.


13. Imprecision in the presentation of the topics to the officials.



14. Manipulation in the books and records of the Chamber, so as to prove the contrary data that is not


real, delete data in order to obtain a benefit, to notify the Chamber or provide data or forged certificates or


hide data in order to obtain advantages.


15. Take a course does not comply with the dignity of the occupation or going out of the limits of decency


with colleagues, superiors, subordinates or the public dealing with the Chamber.



16. Accepting any gifts, remuneration, commission, service or benefit of any kind due to doing of his job





17. Conducting crimes of bribery, embezzlement, betrayal of trust, robbery or forgery or attempts to





18. Uttering verbal or issuing indecent movements.



19. Committing indecent acts in the workplace.



20. The Working uttered manner inconsistent with the due respect for religions and monotheistic beliefs.



21. Spreading rumors or creating discussions and provoking disputes between workers; this leads to


the confusion of ideas and provoke public opinion.



22. Organizing of any meetings, making statements or distributing publications relating to political


religious or matters shall cause harm to the national unity or public peace; with reserving the worker's


right to express his political views as guaranteed by law and the Constitution and in a way that does not


hurt to work.



23. Inciting, arranging or participating in some gathering shall lead to provoke workers, disable the work


or picketing or turmoil within the workplace whatever the reasons; reserving the worker's right to object in


a way that is guaranteed by law.