Cairo Chamber of Commerce receives a delegation from Gabon to discuss ways of trade exchange between the two countries

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Wednesday - 21 May 2014 - 12:43 AM


Based on the vital role which Cairo Chamber of Commerce plays to encourage and increase bilateral


trade, economic relations and  investment between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the countries of


the outside world and finding ways to appropriate communication among Egyptians and foreigners


exporters, importers and producers , Cairo Chamber of Commerce have received a delegation from


Gabon.  in the meeting, the Egyptian side welcomed the delegation of Gabon and made ready


to provide all the information that will help the development of trade and economic relations between


the two countries.  The Gabonese Side has expressed the desire to inform the Egyptian businessmen


through the Cairo Chamber of Commerce about  the promotion of a new area in Gabon, called ( konk)


which is an area of ​​1926 hectares and  450 hectares has been activated so far and called on


the Egyptian investors to establish projects there in light of Gabonese government facilities to


investors (such as tax exemption for the first ten years, the government's support for the cost of


electricity by 50%, total exemption from customs).




Gabonese side has reported that the State of Gabon has succeeded in attracting investments from


France, America and China.  This project has started since 2010.



Mr.  Ali Shoukry - Cairo Chamber's vice chairman asked some questions to the delegation of Gabon on


the availability of labor in Gabon and if the investor has the right to own land, or with usufruct  only and


also procedures of extracting the visa to enter Gabon and  the possibility of obtaining nationality and


ways of moving to Gabon.




The Gabonese side replied that there is availability of trained manpower to work in all projects and


investors can own the land .As for the visa, it is available through the embassy and the possibility of


obtaining nationality will be during 10 years from establishing the project.




The Gabonese delegation said that the State of Gabon focused on the timber sector, where 85% of


the total area of ​​Gabon is forests, which rich in Timber of the highest quality.  Gabon has a metal wealth


represented in manganese and it is in the second rank of producing manganese in the world.




At the end of meeting, some Timber Traders and exporters inquire about the possibility of making a field


visit to the new aforementioned area in Gabon. The Gabonese delegation welcomed


the idea of visiting ( knok) to know all the advantages granted to them.