Project "Nation renaissance" to eliminate slums, poverty and illiteracy

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Monday - 18 August 2014 - 1:9 PM



Mr. Mohammed Ismail Abdu, Division Chief of Medical Supplies at Cairo Chamber of Commerce announced that the Division adopts the project "Nation renaissance ", which aims to eliminate slums, poverty and illiteracy, providing medical care to those who deserve it, and elimination of slums and providing care for street children without prejudicing the country's general budget .


The project also aims to build an accurate database to eligible families, which is considered one of the biggest problems facing Egypt. In addition to the problem of  not to make best use of resources, Therefore a team of "Nation renaissance" made a study, which has taken more than a year and applied to 9 associations. This project has begun with Gamaleya District, which has 966 families and remains only 327 families of them family and the other are able to earn her own living.


For his part, Eng. Ibrahim AlAraby- Cairo Chamber's chairman supported this project saying that Egypt needs for such ideas to support the country's efforts in economic development and improving human factor, which is the most important wealth of Egypt as community responsibility. he stressed that the Chamber supports and encourage any new ideas offered by any division, that benefit the community and commerce.

Mr. Ali Shukri,Cairo Chamber's Senior Vice President said that first he didn't believe in achieving this project , but after the project team had succeeded in  implementing and presented successful models, he made sure that rich people in every district in Egypt can take care of poor people, which is the main idea of this project.


It is scheduled that the Division is going to hold expanded meeting this week to discuss all details of project " Nation Renaissance".