Cairo Chamber participates in "Exporters Souk "

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Wednesday - 1 April 2015 - 11:55 AM



On Monday 30-3-2015,the USAID Trade Facilitation Project (TFP) held in cooperation with Ministry of

Trade, Industry and SMEs; “Exporters’ Souk:  Connecting to Export Resources” in order to help the

Egyptian exporters from all sectors to meet in a “Souk” format.


As a representative of  Cairo chamber of commerce, Mr. Al Basha Idris, Cairo Chamber's treasurer

and exporters Division chief begun his speech about Cairo chamber as one of the oldest chambers

in the Middle East, pointed to the services provided for traders as the health care program, the Retail

Academy, the chamber web site , and Tamayouz Center.


He also stressed that this forum will be a value-added to the export sector by offering data, services,

the available and new foreign markets along with other services as transport, logistics,

labeling of products, …... etc.


Then Mr. Al basha referred to the chamber services for the export sector From opening new markets,

a dialogue with officials to eliminate any problems , raising their awareness by introducing the

peaceful means to develop their exports, especially after sharm el sheikh economic conference and 

investment laws that have been modified recently.