Egyptian Trade Bridge program between Egypt and Ethiopia

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Wednesday - 1 April 2015 - 1:26 PM



Cairo Chamber of Commerce invites you to attend " The Egyptian Trade Bridge program "

between Egypt and Ethiopia Which will be organized by the Egyptian Turkish businessman association

from 28 April-1 May 1, Ethiopia.


This comes to enhance the trade cooperation between both countries and forcing the Egyptian products

to Africa and the world, as well as define investors about the Egyptian market and establishing different

sectors of business development.


Exporters, Sellers, Manufacturers, Merchants and Importers Will participate with the purpose of marketing

their products in Ethiopia and Africa through 180 representatives from each country, also they will attend all

B2B meetings.


For more details and reservations, please communicate through:


Egyptian Turkish businessman association

Mr. Adel Amin 

Tel: 00202 2313094001009699244


Address: Villa 89, District 7, 1st Quarter, el tahseen St., El tajamo al Khamis.