The first African trade Gathering

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Thursday - 14 May 2015 - 11:19 AM



The WTO Institute in collaboration with the Arab Federation of Exporters and Importers organizes  First


African Trade Gathering to support the Egyptian and African economic relations and activate the leading


role of Egypt in the black continent by offering more than 120 African company and representatives of


chambers of commerce and bodies and commercial enterprises from eight African countries (Nigeria -


Sudan - Angola - Ghana - Zambia - Tanzania - Kenya - South Sudan) meet with Egyptian institutions and


companies in the presence of high-level Egyptian leaders.


Date and venue:



During the period from 09/17/2015 to 09/19/2015 at resort of Taba Heights.




The objectives of the forum: -



1. Strengthen Egyptian African relations.


2. Strengthen investment opportunities in Egypt and Africa.


3. Discovery of Africa commercially and investment.


4. Raising the Egyptian exports rates to Africa.


5. Increasing domestic production and creating job opportunities.


Targeted Activities:


( equipment and supplies  of hospitals - home and office furniture - lighting fixtures and Supplies - car kits


and bus public transport and spare parts - iron, steel and steel products - Household electrical appliances


of all its kinds - handmade and manufactured Carpets  - Food industry - General Contracting - Safety &


security systems , garments, furnishings and fabrics manufactured from wool and cotton -


the pharmaceutical industry - all plastic manufactures).





To participate in the Gathering through the Arab Union of Exporters and Importers:



Phone / 23346494 to 23,364,690.



Mobile / 01151000080 - 01142660007



Address / 7 Ahmed Oraby St. – ElMohandseen  - Giza.



E-mail /



Website /



To get a special discount on Airline tickets: -



- Egypt Air Lines



Please contact the Department of Public Relations at Cairo Chamber of Commerce : -



Phone: 27964687



Mobile: 01001529625