The plan for the new session of Cairo Chamber's Board of directors

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Thursday - 4 June 2015 - 12:40 AM


Eng / Ibrahim Mahmoud AlAraby announced after winning his list by acclamation in the new session for the action plan which will be conducted by the board of directors. this Action plan  is based on reality and the requirements , desires of commercial street and meet the wishes of the traders in priority , develop and increase the services provided to them through investment , developing the financial resources of the Chamber, enhancing the database and information , restructuring its rules of procedure , improving the business environment through participation and developing the legislative infrastructure , which is reflected in the commercial sector and trade system as a whole.



He added that there are several axes will work through them (developing trade system to keep up with progress - the diversity of services and attract new investment through establishing markets and companies - consolidate internal and external relationships - seeking to meet the wishes and aspirations of the capital traders - increase coordination and communication with all ministries).




For his part, Mr. Ali Shoukry stressed that the new board of directories is seeking to develop internal trade movement in general and Capital traders in particular, next to developing foreign relations with all countries.




He added that the Chamber in this new session is keen to follow up the members of the Business Divisions and solve their problems. It is worth mentioning that the Chamber participated in some decisions, such as the decision of the Minister of Health and Population and it will continue to serve the country's interest.




Also Mr. Ehab Saeed said that one of the main demands is to set up real database for each sector and update all existing data on General associations for easy communication depending on modern technology in this matter.




He added that he will intensify the training and rehabilitation of traders in the Retail Academy at Cairo Chamber and diversifying the training programs provided to them for the developing commercial and intellectual performance to keep up with the current advanced age. He proposed creating a media Channel, that expressing traders.