Cairo Chamber activates taxes and customs service electronically

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Monday - 22 April 2013 - 1:48 PM


Cairo Chamber of Commerce started the actual steps to activate electronic customs and tax services


that expected to launch soon. This  came after  Engineer Ibrahim AlAraby received Monday Ibrahim


Sarhan, Chairman and Managing Director of "e-finance" company, which specializedin technology for 


the operating finance establishment .It will cooperate with the Chamber to activate the tax and customs


services electronically


 engineer Ibrahim AlAraby said during the meeting that the chamber took this step in order to facilitate


theprocedures for financiers, pointing out that the initial agreement with Ahmed Faraj Saudi,a few days


ago, to put two center points for Customs Services inside the Chamber and in Tamayoz  center of


services at garage opera. Therefore we are currently working on the completion of this service For


the interest of the state and national economy.




AlAraby said that this service will feel himself As if  in customs Authority., An extensive meeting will be


held and this meeting will include officials of the tax and customs and all Chhmber's commercial


devisins will be invited  to illustrate this service in addition to taking all proposals, whether to add


features to the service or to develop them. officials of the company demanded to finish the activation of


these service as soon as possible, especially with the unstable security situation that currently taking


place in the Egyptian street, subsequently financiers shuld be secured in addition to that Development


has become inevitable to keep up with what's going on private markets especially this period witnesses


the clear advanced technology in most countries of the economic aspects.



For his part, Ibrahim sarhan said that the company specializing in electronic payments and that


is national project must benefit from it well and the company deals with 25 Bank and by 1500 branch


customer service, adding that the service could be ready to receive services funded in next mid-April.



He pointed out that there will be coordination between the Chamber and the company and its co-service


"tax and customs" in order to activate the service as soon as possible, and he agreed with the Engineer


Ibrahim Arab on the existence of a joint cooperation in the coming period and the involving all traders to


take their views on these important services, especially with the acts of theft and robbery which currently


occur for traders and for all citizens.



Sarhan added that there is a coordinating session will bring together all the parties To develop the final


visualization service For launching properly that achieves the objectives of all parties especially





 Cairo Chamber of Commerce started the actual steps to activate electronic customs and tax services


that expected to launch soon. This  came after  Engineer Ibrahim AlAraby received Monday Ibrahim


Sarhan, Chairman and Managing Director of "e-finance" company, which specializedin technology for


  the operating finance establishment .It will cooperate with the Chamber to activate the tax and customs


services electronically.



 Engineer Ibrahim AlAraby said during the meeting that the chamber took this step in order to facilitate


theprocedures for financiers, pointing out that the initial agreement with Ahmed Faraj Saudi,a few days


ago, to put two center points for Customs Services inside the Chamber and in Tamayoz  center of


services at garage opera. Therefore we are currently working on the completion of this service For


the interest of the state and national economy.



AlAraby said that this service will feel himself As if  in customs Authority., An extensive meeting will be


held and this meeting will include officials of the tax and customs and all Chhmber's commercial


devisins will be invited  to illustrate this service in addition to taking all proposals, whether to add


features to the service or to develop them. officials of the company demanded to finish the activation of


these service as soon as possible, especially with the unstable security situation that currently taking


place in the Egyptian street, subsequently financiers shuld be secured in addition to that Development


has become inevitable to keep up with what's going on private markets especially this period witnesses


the clear advanced technology in most countries of the economic aspects.



For his part, Ibrahim sarhan said that the company specializing in electronic payments and that is


national project must benefit from it well and the company deals with 25 Bank and by 1500 branch


customer service, adding that the service could be ready to receive services funded in next mid-April.



He pointed out that there will be coordination between the Chamber and the company and its co-service


"tax and customs" in order to activate the service as soon as possible, and he agreed with the Engineer


Ibrahim Arab on the existence of a joint cooperation in the coming period and the involving all traders to


take their views on these important services, especially with the acts of theft and robbery which currently


occur for traders and for all citizens.



Sarhan added that there is a coordinating session will bring together all the parties To develop the final


visualization service For launching properly that achieves the objectives of all parties especially

