"Al Zeiny called Mahlab to compel companies to reduce iron prices

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Tuesday - 14 July 2015 - 11:28 AM



The General Division of building materials at General Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Called on Engineer / Ibrahim Mahlab the Prime Minister, to intervene and compel companies to reduce iron high prices in the local market, especially after the decline in global prices currently.


Mr / Ahmed Al Zeiny, board member of Cairo Chamber of Commerce and the Chief of the Division explained that the raw materials of iron "billet and scrap" prices fell by 20% globally now, and domestic companies should reduce their prices to the same percentage at least.


He stressed that the recent increase in the price of the dollar will not have any impact on prices in this sector, reassuring consumers that there is no increase in prices and the market would be stable in this sector and in light of decline in global prices from one hand and slow sales movement in the other hand.


  He also demanded Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour ,the Minister of Trade and Industry, Small and medium-sized enterprises for the abolition of the protection fee, which was finally imposed on imported steel to make real competition in the market and to adjust rates, Especially that these fees in the end lies on the consumers , construction companies and the Country.