There is no truth in the rumor about preventing importing cars for a year

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Monday - 12 October 2015 - 1:50 PM



A senior government source said there was no truth at all banning or preventing importing cars as rumored that one of the banking sector experts put forward for discussion a study to stop importing cars for one year as one of the solutions to adjust the foreign currency but has been rejected in all held meetings to discuss this matter.


For his part, the head of the Customs Authority, Dr. Magdy Abdel Aziz denied this rumor adding that this is not reasonable because Egypt is committed to the agreements in front of international organizations which cannot breach. But it is possible to make studies for reducing import.


Hamdy -Abdulaziz, Chairman of the Chamber of Engineering Industries at Federation of Industries and confirms that the Convention on International Trade prevent this ban and prevent the development of any obstacles to the movement of trade and therefore preventing  the import of cars is unexpected but we should  protect the  economy and the citizens with  applying  international standards in safety and environment field to limit the import of random cars, which is non-conforming  to the specifications of quality and safety.