Dutch funding for establishing joint projects in Egypt

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Monday - 20 May 2013 - 11:47 AM



The Dutch agency under the Ministry of Economic Affairs in Netherlands provides  funding program for


establishing new joint ventures between the Dutch private sector and its counterpart in the developing


countries including Egypt to expand private sector activity in the Dutch market and reduce the risks faced


by finding a local partner, who will provide his share of financing for the project.



The program provides a grant for this kind of joint projects does not exceed 50% of the investment cost of


the project so as not to exceed 1.5 million euros .and thus the value of the grant of no more than 750


thousand euros as maximum of the total investment cost for a single project, And partners must provide


half the value of the project financing and the ratio of the Egyptian partner's benefit, is created according


to the proportion of his contribution to the project and the contract between him and the Dutch partner.



 To take advantage of this funding provided by the program please contact at Egyptian Businessmen


Association to be sent to the parties concerned.


Telephone: 35736030, 35723020


Fax: 35723855, 35737258


 email: eba@eba.org.eg


website: www.eba.org.eg