Cairo Chamber gives certificates of "electronic commerce and its impact on exports" for trainees

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Thursday - 21 April 2016 - 11:0 AM


Dr. Laila El Bialy, Cairo Chamber's Board Member and General Supervisor on Retail Academy said that the programs organized by the Academy for traders, their employees and students mostly target the human factor in accordance with the required qualification.


This came during giving certificate on "electronic commerce mechanisms and their impact on exports" to the trainees who reached more than 42 trainees.


Dr. / Laila El Biali added that the Chamber is keen to organize training programs in various fields to be compatible with the progress of the current era, demanding the trainees to make the most of these courses especially with regard to exports that the Cairo Chamber seeks to support in the coming period intensely.


She also listened to the inquiries of the trainees and their suggestions, which were about increasing these programs because of their importance in the labor market. The trainees also praised the efforts exerted by the Chamber, whether on the level of the board of directors or the employees in providing the best service to them.