Ministry of supply: the dried fruits ( Yameesh) in complexes at 15 pounds

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Thursday - 26 May 2016 - 10:28 AM



On the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan consumer 's branches and wholesale companies Started in offer of 15 pounds  for  Ramadan dried  fruits  and nuts per packaging.



Dr Khaled Hanafy, Minister of supply and internal trade, confirmed that the offer of 15 bpounds will be available in Automobile commodities and   fairs (Welcome Ramadan) which will be held in all provinces.




He added that fresh meat packed in distinctive packaging of half kg at 30 pounds and kg at 60 pounds and 2 kg packaging will be provided. in addition to providing large amounts of meat begins from 37 pounds per kilo for frozen meat, and fresh meat is also priced at 50 pounds per kilo in addition to poultry and is priced at 20 pounds per kilo and poultry thighs at price 9 pounds and fish starts from price 7 pounds, kilo rice at the price of 4 and a half pounds, five pounds for sugar and oil price starts from 8 pounds and 70 piastres