Marquee tents Division: regression of trade movement in this year's Ramadan

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Thursday - 9 June 2016 - 11:39 AM



Marquee tents Division at Cairo Chamber Announced the decline in sales of the shops, despite entering the holy month of Ramadan which is the season.



 Mr.  Mohammed Fawzy, head of the division, said that the sales did not move during current Ramadan, not like previous years, as usual, but the complaints are repeated from the traders this year because neighborhoods prevent shop owners to make tents and marquees for Ramadan, which made traders angry. He added that the traders are committed to neighborhoods rules, although neighborhoods deliberately hit the season of Ramadan this year.  



angering traders added that dealers are committed to the instructions of biology in this regard and not to work without official permits, and there is an emphasis on all traders working in this sector not to work only after a formal permits even some of them do not fall under offenses that are harmful to their work and nevertheless neighborhoods Ramadan season