The Third Libyan Egyptian Economic Forum will be held in Cairo on 4 March

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Wednesday - 22 February 2023


The Third Forum for Libyan-Egyptian Companies will be held on 4 March in Cairo, under the title ‘‘Libya and Egypt Towards Sustainable and Integrated Development’’. It is sponsored by the Benghazi Chamber of Commerce and the General Union of Libyan Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture.

This event follows on from the Second Libyan-Egyptian Economic Forum held in Alexandria in March 2019. It was organised by the Libyan-Egyptian Joint Chamber, in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce in Alexandria. It discussed ways of cooperation in all fields and to demonstrate all the difficulties that impede trade exchange and the transit of goods and services between the two countries.

Commenting on the forthcoming Cairo event in an exclusive interview with Libya Herald, Ibrahim Al-Jarari, head of the Libyan-Egyptian Joint Economic Chamber, said that there is cooperation with the Egyptian side in all commercial fields, and there is an effort to demonstrate the difficulties that impede trade exchange, the movement of citizens, their freedom of movement, ownership, and the establishment of joint investments in the two countries.

Linking private sector
He stressed that there is a tendency from the private sector in the two countries, supported by the government agencies in both countries, to activate the role of the Joint Libyan-Egyptian Economic Chamber in linking businessmen in the two countries and emphasizing the establishment of economic activities that bring together industrial and commercial institutions from both sides.

He referred to the facilitation of security approvals from the Egyptian side for companies and individuals to travel to Libya and the readiness of the Joint Chamber to support Egyptian and Libyan businessmen to reach an economy that serves everyone.