Engineering Export Council launches trade mission of 15 companies to Congo

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Thursday - 2 March 2023


The Engineering Export Council of Egypt (EECE) organized a trade mission to Congo from 26 February to 3 March, with the participation of 15 companies working in sectors of cables, lighting, household appliances, and household utensils, in cooperation with Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Egyptian embassy in Kinshasa, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and sponsored by National Bank of Egypt.

Executive Director of the EECE and head of the Egyptian mission in Kinshasa, Mai Helmy, said that a meeting was held with the Congolese Minister of Agriculture to discuss joint cooperation and how to import agricultural mechanization from Egypt.

Helmy added that other meetings were also held with the chairmen of Congolese Federation of Enterprises of Congo, representatives of the Ministry of Trade, representatives of the National Electricity Agency, the National Electricity Company and Congolese National Water Company, within the framework of constructive cooperation between the two sides to increase trade exchange and expand the export of Egyptian engineering products to African markets, especially Congo.

She explained in a statement that Congo is a promising market and there are great opportunities for companies operating in the engineering sector, and that the Council focuses on selecting countries whose population is suitable, as well as a gateway to reach many landlocked countries, as well as witnessing economic activity and movement.  Grow in order to have a large scale engineering production presence there.

Helmy said that Congo is a promising market and there are great opportunities for companies operating in the engineering sector. Additionally, the Council focuses on selecting countries whose population is suitable, as well as a gateway to reach many landlocked countries which have economic growth in order to have a large-scale engineering production presence there.

The EECE seeks to open new export markets, especially in Africa, in order to support the state’s plans to promote exports and achieve the goal of reaching exports to $100bn during the coming years.

She touched on the council’s focus on the African market during the coming period in order to promote exports of various engineering sectors, especially since the African market is very promising for Egyptian engineering products, which supports Egypt’s plans to have a strong presence in African markets.

Helmy concluded that there is a great interest on the part of companies and buyers in Congo in the Egyptian mission. This is clear in the number of meetings that are being held throughout the period of the Egyptian mission’s presence there, as well as the great and full reception of the Egyptian delegation.