President Sisi follows up on executive status of Egyptian Ports Renovation Plan

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Thursday - 9 March 2023


CAIRO – 9 March 2023: President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi held a meeting Wednesday evening with senior members of the Egyptian Armed Forces, maritime experts, and representatives of construction companies to learn about the executive status of the Egyptian Ports Renovation Plan.


The plan includes the ports of Arish, Adabeya, Abou Qir, and Jarjoub so as the works include breakwater structures, container freight stations, quays, multipurpose stations, logistic zones, and tourist attractions.


The president directed the attendees to make good use of Egypt's unique geographic location to create added value.


President Sisi had met Sunday CEO of AD Ports Group Mohamed al-Shamisi to confer over possible collaboration in the sectors of logistics and port management.


Shamisi expressed the company's interest in bolstering cooperation with Egypt in light of the brotherly ties between the two countries and peoples as well as the unique qualifications that Egypt enjoys and that make it a regional and international logistic hub.


The CEO of AD Ports Group commended the development Egypt had experienced over the past years in terms of expanding and upgrading the infrastructure to match global standards in all fields. He added that such modernization boosts Egypt's ability to receive investments, and consolidates the flow of trade regionally and internationally.