Sisi: Egyptians stand by country’s economic reform plan

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Wednesday - 25 October 2017


CAIRO – 25 October 2017: French Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire praised Egypt’s sustainable economic reform plan during a meeting Wednesday with President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi in Paris, according to a statement by the Presidential spokesperson Alaa Youssef. 

According to Le Maire, French President Emmanuel Macron instructed to develop strategic partnership between Egypt and France. 

For his part, President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi expressed his gratitude for France’s support to Egypt’s developmental plans, in addition to French companies’ activities in Egypt. 

During the meeting, Sisi highlighted positive outcomes of Egypt’s economic reform plan, and government’s efforts to create attractive investment environment. 

According to the statement, Sisi said that Egyptians stand by these positive outcomes through bearing difficulties and challenges ensued after adopting such reform steps. 

President Sisi further assured Egypt’s keenness on benefiting from French expertise in different fields in which Egypt shares interest with, especially in fabrics, cars manufacturing sectors, medicine and railways.