Egypt: Sisi Orders Continued Development of Suez Canal

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Wednesday - 6 December 2017


President Abdel Fattah El Sisi met on Tuesday 5/12/2017 Chairman of the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) and Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCzone) Mohab Mamish to discuss the latest developments in the tunnels project under the Suez Canal in the city of Ismailia, directing the continuous development of the canal.

Sisi underlined the importance of the Suez Canal as a pillar of the country's economy and as a vital facility to the traffic of international trade and maritime navigation between the East and the West.

Spokesman for the presidency Bassam Rady said that Mamish informed the president that the SCA established a department to manage and operate the tunnels and their maintenance.


The meeting shed light on the fish farming project currently being carried out in east Port Said and clearing lake Manzala for fish farming project in accordance with the international standards, where the SCA will take part in the Manzala project, Radi explained.

In addition, the meeting dealt with the latest developments in the economic and industrial zones, Radi added.

Radi pointed out that Mamish gave Sisi a report about the Canal, explaining that the canal recorded historic figures in revenues and cargo transit vessels during the current year.