Shoukri, Abadi probe Egypt’s role in Iraq's reconstruction

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Sunday - 18 February 2018


MUNICH - 18 February 2018: Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry Sunday conferred with Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al Abadi on Egypt’s contribution to reconstruction in Iraq. 

During their talks on the sidelines of the Munich Security Forum, Shoukri congratulated the Iraqi premier on the victories against the terrorist Daesh group, asserting Egypt’s commitment to the unity and sovereignty of Iraq, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid said. 

Shoukri stressed Egypt’s readiness to contribute to restoring security and security in Iraq after Daesh, particularly in terms of the rehabilitation of liberated cities. 

Abadi said his country is highly interested in promoting economic cooperation with Egypt in a way that would improve the lives of their people. 

A large part of Shoukri-Abadi talks covered the regional developments particularly the situation in Syria and Yemen, Abu Zeid said, stressing the importance of adopting a more active and strong method by Arab diplomacy in order to protect stability and end ongoing disputes. 

Shoukri reviewed efforts exerted by Egypt to protect regional security and stability and combat terror and extremist thought and expounded the Operation Sinai 2018 led by Egyptian security forces in Sinai and elsewhere in Egypt, he added. 

Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al Abadi has called on Egyptian companies to get acquainted with the current investment potentials in Iraq, asserting the necessity of continuing coordination between Baghdad and Cairo to end regional crises. 

In statements following his meeting with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry on the fringe of Munich Security Conference, Abadi welcomed the progress achieved in Baghdad-Cairo relations, expressing Iraq's appreciation for the Egyptian president, people and government. 

The Iraqi premier called for increasing cooperation between the two countries especially in the economic and trade fields. He invited the Egyptian public and private sectors to keep constantly in touch with the Iraqi government to get posted on the available investment opportunities. 

He highlighted the need for coordinating stances between the two countries in order to consolidate regional stability and curb the return of terrorism. 

Abadi arrived in Munich on Friday to attend Munich Security Conference, held on February 16 to 18.