Egypt: Tareq Qabil, - Volume of Trade Exchange Between Egypt, Sweden Reaches 644mn Euros in 2017

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Monday - 19 February 2018


The volume of trade exchange between Egypt and Sweden amounted to some 644 million Euros in 2017, the trade and industry minister said.

Tareq Qabil, in a meeting with visiting Swedish Minister of EU Affairs and Trade Ann Linde on Monday 19/2/2018, reviewed future economic cooperation between the two countries.

Qabil said Cairo and Stockholm have good economic and political ties, a statement by the Trade and Industry Ministry said.

Established more than 40 years ago, a joint committee between the two countries contributes to boosting economic cooperation and increasing the volume of inter-trade and investments, Qabil said.

He stressed the need to increase Egyptian exports to Sweden in a way that would help reduce the deficit in the balance of trade, which is now in favor of Sweden.


Qabil put the volume of Swedish investments in Egypt at about 141 million dollars pumped into 146 projects.