Egypt, Romania presidents tackle trade cooperation, regional crises

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Wednesday - 27 October 2021


Egypt and Romania agreed on holding the fourth meeting of the Egyptian-Romanian committee to promote economic, trade, and technical cooperation, President El-Sisi said.

El-Sisi hailed the convocation of the Egyptian-Romanian economic forum on the sidelines of the Romanian president's visit to Egypt, regarding the forum as a link between businessmen and major companies from both countries to explore more investment opportunities and incentives offered by the Egyptian government to investors.

Iohannis said he expects the joint committee will play a "critical" role in enhancing bilateral ties, expressing his aspiration that the new round would develop cooperation in the fields of defence, energy, agricultural, and others.

Egypt and Romania represent "integrated" trade markets in the region, added Iohannis.

Monday's meeting comes as both countries celebrate the 115th anniversary of establishing diplomatic ties between Cairo and Bucharest.