UAE Tolerance, Coexistence Minister: Egypt’s pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai reflects its history, ancient civilization

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Saturday - 30 October 2021


CAIRO- 30 October 2021: The Egyptian pavilion at the Expo 2020 Dubai reflects Egypt’s history, its ancient civilization, its capabilities, and its outlook for the future, said Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al-Nahyan, UAE Tolerance and Coexistence Minister on Saturday.


“It clearly reveals the Egyptian achievements over history. It opens up to us a new era of opportunities and a vision that establishes a future in a number of fields like tourism, infrastructure, education and other fields,” he said in a speech at the celebration of Egypt’s National Day.


The UAE Minister voiced his aspiration that Expo 2020 Dubai can strengthen and benefit from the existing partnerships between Egypt and the UAE. He said that  Egypt occupies a great position as an important trading partner, adding that Emirati investments in Egypt exceed $7 billion.


Meanwhile, UAE  ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum affirmed his full support for strengthening cooperation relations with Egypt, praising the construction of more than 20 new smart cities simultaneously in Egypt.


“This represents a great challenge and an unprecedented urban boom, which required a lot of effort from everyone,” he said during a meeting with Egyptian Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli who is visiting Expo 2020 Dubai, said the Egyptian cabinet in a statement on Saturday.


The meeting was attended by Minister of Planning and Economic Development Hala Al Saeed, Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities Assem El-Gazzar, Minister of Trade and Industry Nevin Gamea, and Egypt's Ambassador to Abu Dhabi.


Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid also applauded Egypt’s national project "Decent Life,” which was launched by President Sisi to improve the quality of life for more than half of Egypt's population living in the countryside.


Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid expressed his happiness at receiving Madbouli and his accompanying delegation, and asked to convey his sincere greetings to President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, saying: "Tell His Excellency President El-Sisi that we all love him."


Sheikh bin Rashid gave the Egyptian Prime Minister the book "My Story,” which tells 50 stories of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid over the course of fifty years.


Egyptian Prime Minister sent President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi’s greetings to the leadership and government of the United Arab Emirates, congratulated the UAE on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the emirates.


Madbouli also praised the renaissance achieved by the UAE, saying “what he witnessed today at the World Expo is a pride for all Arabs.”