President Sisi discuss boosting economic relations with Austria Chancellor Schallenberg in Glasgow

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Monday - 1 November 2021


CAIRO – 1 November 2021: Egypt's President Abdel Fattah El Sisi asserted, Sunday that the settlement of the region's crises could be reached by achieving stability, supporting the state's institutions, fostering the capabilities of the national armies and governments, a matter which undermines the extremist groups' activities.

President Sisi's remarks came during his meeting with Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg in Glasgow, Presidential Spokesman Bassam Rady said.

Congratulating Schallenberg on assuming office, Sisi stressed Egypt's keenness to boost aspects of cooperation with Austria in various fields, especially the trade, economic, and tourist ones in light of the Egyptian-Austrian friendship.

Schallenberg, for his part, said his country is interested in boosting cooperating with Egypt, describing it as a pivotal pillar for the stability and security of the Middle East and Mediterranean region.

The meeting touched on ways to promote trade and economic relations in light of Egypt's efforts to improve the business climate and encourage the private sector to lure foreign direct investments.

The two leaders discussed regional issues and crises. In this regard, the Austrian chancellor appreciated Egypt's efforts to combat illegal immigration, terrorism, and extremism and renew the religious discourse.

Sisi and Schallenberg also discussed latest developments in the MENA region including the situation in Palestine and Egypt's efforts to solidify the ceasefire in Gaza.

They also reviewed developments of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. In this regard, Sisi stressed that Egypt's historic rights to the Nile River is a priority, describing it is an ‘existential issue’. He called on the international community to exert more efforts to reach a legally binding deal on the filling and operation of the dam.

President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi headed Sunday to the United Kingdom to attend the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26 summit) held in Glasgow on October 31-November 12.

The meetings of heads of state within the conference are taking place on Sunday and Monday.

Spokesperson of the Presidency Bassam Rady stated that the president will focus on climate change topics relevant to developing countries in general, and to African states in specific.

President is also scheduled to hold bilateral meetings with a number of chiefs of state, including UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.