Egypt bans import of Tuk-tuk components

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Friday - 12 November 2021


CAIRO - 12 November 2021: Egyptian authorities banned the import of components of the three-wheeled Tuk-tuks (auto-rickshaw) on Tuesday, announcing a plan to replace these vehicles with minivans, which they described as achieving security and safety for citizens.
Egyptian Minister of Trade and Industry Nevin Gamea issued on Tuesday a ministerial resolution banning the import of basic components of “Tuk-tuk” vehicles. The decision became effective on Wednesday, November 10, 2021.
“The decision comes within the framework of implementing the state's plan aimed at developing the transportation system and providing safe vehicles for the safety of citizens,” said Gamea in a statement issued by the Ministry.
She added that the government will replace the Tuk-tuks with minivans, a safe means of transportation that operates with clean energy. The idea of replacing the Tuk-tuks with minivans was stated In 2019 by the Ministry of Local Development. It also halted issuing licenses for these three-wheeled vehicles.  
In 2014, Egypt banned the imports of Tuk-tuks but kept importing the components to manufacture them locally. Egyptian newspaper Akhbar Al-Youm reported that Tuk-tuks were firstly imported from India in 2005. 
In August 2021,  Gamea said that the t Tuk-tuks are indispensable means of transportation in Egypt where about 3 million families depend on them as a source of livelihood. In media remarks to “On My Responsibility” talk show on Sada El Balad T.V. Channel, Gamea added that it is quite difficult to prevent Tuk-tuks in Egypt, noting that this means of transportation spreads in rural areas, number of cities and neighborhoods. 
In March 2018, the state-owned Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CPAMS) said that the number of licensed tuk-tuks in Egypt in the period between 2014 and 2016 reached 99,000 tuk-tuks, noting that the number is increasing. Meanwhile, the number of unlicensed tuk-tuks reached more than 3 million rickshaws.