Lavrov: Trade Balance bet. Egypt, Russia Increased to $4 Bln

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Sunday - 24 July 2022


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov confirmed that he had constructive talks with President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, expressing his satisfaction with the level of relations between Egypt and the Russian Federation.

In a joint press conference with foreign minister Sameh Shoukry, lavrov noted that relations are progressing significantly between Cairo and Moscow, explaining that there is consensus on a number of regional and international files.

The Russian Foreign Minister indicated that Egypt stressed the need for a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis, stressing that Moscow is primarily concerned with providing the legal rights of the Russian peoples in this region and ensuring security, explaining that his country has taken joint measures to clarify the real image of what is happening in the region, pointing out that The cooperation between Russia and the Arab League was discussed.

Lavrov affirmed that the African-Russian summit will take place in the near future, specifically next year, welcoming all initiatives from the Egyptian side to join the Shanghai Initiative, noting that Egypt will participate in the BRICS meeting during the meeting that is being prepared.

He praised the constructive progress in relations between Egypt and Russia, referring to the Petersburg Forum attended by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, which was important, stressing that the trade balance between the two countries increased to about $4 billion , noting that The joint committee between Cairo and Moscow, which will be held in Cairo soon, has been well prepared to take all measures to boost economic and trade relations between Egypt and Russia in all fields.

Lavrov confirmed that they discussed a project to manufacture a new vaccine that would be effective against coronavirus variants, as well as monkeypox, indicating that there is great cooperation between the two ministries of health of the two countries, explaining that the Egyptian role in Africa in general and North Africa in particular was discussed.

The Russian Foreign Minister stressed the need to end the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East and work to resolve the Palestinian issue under Egyptian mediation, pointing out to the need to establish a Palestinian state and implement UN Security Council resolutions.