إدارة شئون العاملين

Personnel Department 


-Preparing the payroll, monthly incentives and rewards.


-Following up attendance and leave of the Chamber's staff.


-Implementing the Chamber's regulations.


- Preparing  the  executive decisions of the Chamber's Chairman .


-Preparing the planning budget for the Chamber's staff . 


- Taking the necessary measures for Advertising job vacancies, Testing,recruitment, and appointment




-Receiving confidential reports (efficiency reports) related to staff, and submit them to the Commission


of  personnel .


 - save documents of employees in their files.


- Preparation of periodic payroll bonuses and are presented on time.


-Implementing  the decisions of the Chamber's Bureau.


-Implementing the medical treatment regulation of the Chamber's staff .


- taking procedures for the implementing the sanctions on the Chamber's staff .


-Preparing the Chamber's staff insurance per month.


- preparing the payroll for end-of-service bonuses.