Cairo Chamber Of Commerce And ISO – 26000

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In Light of the chamber`s interest in developing the commercial community via sustainable development,

the chamber in compliance with the ideal standard presented in the ISO- 26000 began a chain of progress

towards more efficiency,

while bringing in tools and methods to be used for the application of social

responsibility that besides, involving employees of the chamber in developing a better work environment

and applying rules of ethical behavior.



The Chamber always applied the rules of social responsibility, however was not officially committed since

the services the chamber offered were solely to add reconstruction means,

to improve the levels of trust in the commercial community as well as the transparency which in turn reduces

corruption all of which go further than the usual boundaries of charity.


Examples of such efforts:


·The efforts spend by the chamber in trying to arrive at agreements between small traders, businessmen

and IRS (internal revenue service) to achieve the best for the merchant and the general good i.e. the public



· The chamber took  part socially in offering financial assistance to those harmed by natural  disasters

(1992 earthquake- avian flu – supporting poor students – glasses for the poor rehabilitation of street children)


· Improving the work environment by keeping phone booth owners in business by adding a social service role

to them instead of being merely providers of telecom. Services.


· The chamber offered projects to improve wholesale trade as general activity as well as reducing traffic jams.

· Developing live poultry shops and creating a center for them out of Cairo.


· A among many other activates and thus a committee was formed to maintain the application of the

iso – 26000 which involves mainly the social responsibility supported by the Swedish agency.


· The mentioned committee had already achieved the first stage being the gap analysis and preparing a

report and sending it to the supporting Swedish agency, as well as putting together the action plan which

earned the admiration of the Swedish export on 18/12/2013.


· Finally the third stage has begun on 1/1/2013 involving the application of the action plan and more details of the application are to be published periodically.