ISO Committee report for January and February

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The ISO committee – during the second phase of the ISO –26000 standards – application has put forth a number of plans in light of the core issues (organization, labor, fair usage, consumer issues, social involvement, human rights and the environment).

Doing so in compliance with the seven principles being:-

1-  Accountability.

2-  Transparency.

3-  Ethical behavior.

4-  Respecting international standards.

5-  Respecting legal rules and regulations.

6-  Respecting human rights.

7-  Respecting the interest of the involved parties


The committee started applying the plan of remedy in January 2014 via enacting plans and programs – be it entitled to it as a committee or work done by other departments.

The following is a brief look at the one month goals:

1.  Putting forth a framework defining the vision and tasks of the Cairo chamber of commerce in compliance with the social responsibility and suck framework has been published on the website.

2.  Publishing advertisements of the chamber's services on the website, and the task was accomplished in the frame of the consumer issues ensuring mutual respect between the involved parties.

3.  Holding meeting and conferences between the employees and the chief executive, who held a meeting with the economic and commercial sector in January and during March a meeting was held with the general information department in order to identify labor issues and putting forth appropriate solutions.


-on the other hand, the tasks to be accomplished in two months:


a-  The board affairs department is to invite chief executive and sector heads to attend the board meetings and task in progress.

B- Keeping all employees informed of decrees, this task was given to the building affairs department, the chief executive secretary and the human resources department, and is in progress.

C-  A worksheet involving the board was drawn showing the importance of applying the seven principles of social responsibility when drawing the future strategic plan.

D -publishing a charter of honour for the traders in accordance with the social responsibility and the charter was drawn and published in different forms i.e. hand delivery and publication on the website.

E – Drawing a worksheet defining the standards of ethics, values and regulations to guide the chamber`s employees and it was drawn by the legal department under the title " instructions to all employees ".

F – the assignments signed by the board under the decree number 628 for the year 2014 was published and delivered to each of the chamber`s sectors.

7. a – Committee for the performance evaluation was formed headed by Mrs. . Hasnaa Tawfeek and held its first meeting on 5/4/2014.