Report of action Plan

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Iso Committee, which has been formed through a decision by the Head of the Chamber No. 12 of 2013


dated 08/10/2013, established a work plan based on the results of the checklist of the Society


Responsibility of ISO STANDARD 26000.




I - Accountability:



( The Chamber is responsible for the effects of its decisions and activities on the Society. )



Iso Committee has completed this item as it formed another committee for the purpose of follow up


an implement he regulations, laws and decisions. Such committee called the Committee of


Performance Assessment. It occupies high priority and it has economical effect which represents in


increasing the effectiveness of the role of the Chamber in developing the Commercial Society through


regular follow up of the decisions that issued by the Chamber. The responsibility of forming this


committee as well as determining its duties and competencies shall be done by Iso Committee.



Forming of this committee must be completed within three months from the date of approving this report.


This means it is necessary to have a decision by the Head of the Chamber for the formation. Regarding


the assessment follow up of this committee, we set up 20 % verification of the desired goal from this


committee during the first three months and it will reach 50 % after six months provided that Iso


Committee shall be the concerned body to follow up the implementation of such procedure.


The concerned parties for this Committee shall the Board of Directors of the Chamber and the Executive





II – Transparency:     



The decisions of the Chamber, during the phases of making, implementing and reviewing the decision


whether such decision if related to the Workers or Merchants, are characterized with the transparency. In


this item, three plans have been set up aiming to enhance the principle of the transparency:



1. Invite the Executive Body, Heads of Sectors and Head of the Syndicate Committee in order to


participate meetings of the Board of Directors and Authority of the Office so that such work will have high


priority and also will have social effect as it will increase the psychical incentive for the Workers as


a result of increasing the chances of participation in the decisions that concern them. Also


an economical effect shall be there because discussing the decisions and reaching the sound


decision with transparency will give benefit to the Commercial Society. The responsibility of


implementing such action shall be born by the Board Affairs Department as it will be obliged to invite


the General Secretary, Heads of Sectors and Head of Syndicate Committee for the meetings of the Board


of Directors and the Authority of Office before 48 hours at least. Provided that the necessary decisions in


order to implement this plan shall be within two months.



In order to implement such corrective action, it is necessary to issue written decision by the Head of


the Chamber stipulates as follows:



-       Entrust the mentioned persons to attend the meetings.


-       Entrust the Board Affairs Department to invite them officially before any meeting by 48 hours at least.


The Committee has estimated that implementation of such action will reach 50 % within 3 months and


will reach 100 % within the followed three months provided that Iso Committee will follow up


the implementation of such action.



The concerned parties of such action will be the Head of the Chamber, Head of the Executive Body,


Head of the Sectors and Head of the Syndicate Committee.



2. Inform the Workers about the decisions immediately after being issued. This action has high priority.


It will have social effect as the Worker will feel his importance in the work array. And economical effect


represents in pushing the worker to accomplish his duties as soon as possible as giving benefit to


Worker and the Chamber. The responsibility of implementing such action will be born by Board Affairs


Department which will be responsible for distributing the decisions of the Board of Directors and


the Authority of the Office as well as the secretariat of the General Secretary which will be responsible


for distributing the decisions of the General Secretary. Also the Personnel Affairs which will be


responsible to distribute any other decisions. Preparation to start this action will take two months.


The necessary resources are: 



·         Provide a bulletin board in order to display the decisions on it.



·         Establish a web age for the Workers of the Chamber where the decisions will be published on


it through the Site Department.



·         It is expected that performance evaluation of this action will reach 50 % within 3 months and will


reach 100 % with the following three months. The responsibility of following up the implementation of


such action will be assumed by Iso Committee. The concerned parties will be all departments with


the Chamber.  



3- Holding meetings between the Employees and Head of the Executive Body every two months.


Such action will have high priority and will result a positive social effect on the Workers as it will give


chance to know the negative and positive points that they are facing and reach the best method to treat


such points. The responsibility of implementing such action shall be assumed by the General Secretary


(The Head of the Executive Body). The necessary period to start effectiveness of this action is one month


from signing this report. The responsibility of implementation shall be assumed by the secretariat of


the General Secretary as it shall be obliged to inform the Workers about the meeting before 48 hours at


least. The percentage of implementing this action shall reach 100 % within two months.


The responsibility to follow up the implementation of this action shall be done by the Performance


Assessment Committee. The concerned parties shall be all departments with the Chamber.



III – The Ethical Behavior:



( Be in conformity with habits, customs and traditions that commonly known by the professional groups


with the Chamber. )  



In order to verify this princiole with the Chamber, two actions will be implemented:



1. Holding a specialized training courses in the ethical behavior (soft skills). It has high priority. And will


have economical effect represents in increasing the efficiency of the Workers of the Chamber in


the domain of communicating with the public. This will give positive result on the services which


provided to the Merchant.



The responsibility of completing this action shall be assumed by the Retail Academy in the Chamber


through setting up a detailed plan for the desired courses. Setting up this plan will take six months from


the date of signing this report.



The necessary resources in order to implement such action are financial approvals to provide


specialized trainers.



Provided that 50 % shall be accomplished within the first six months and will reach 100 % within


the followed six months from the beginning of the implementation.



Iso Committee shall be responsible for the implementation follow up. The concerned parties are


the Workers of the Chamber.



2. Preparation of Work Sheet which determines the moral standards, values, regulations and


guidelines so that to be taken as guidelines for the behavior of the Workers in the Chamber.



This action has high priority.



Implementation of such action verifies an economical effect represents in increasing the positive vision


of the Merchants towards the Chamber as well as increasing the service being provided to the Merchant. 

Also it has social effect represents in controlling the behavior of the individuals inside the Chamber.



The responsibility of setting up this work sheet shall be assumed by the Legal Affairs Department. This


preparation will take two months. This sheet shall be published in the web site of the Chamber as well


as the bulletin board. The efficiency of performance assessment of such action will reach 100 % within 6


months from starting the implementation.



Iso Committee shall be considered the responsible body for implementing this action. Provided that


all departments with the Chamber shall be the concerned parties of this action.




IV – Respecting the interests of the concerned parties:



( Taking into consideration the relative ability of the stakeholders in communication, participation and


affecting the Organization ).


In order to verify this principle, one action shall be taking which holding the meetings of the Specific


Council regularly every three months. ( The Specific Council includes the Heads of Sections and


Members of Board of Director of the Chamber ).


This action has high priority and verifies an economical effect which represents in the continuous


communication with the Chambers in order to know their problems or the problems of the different


commercial sectors and the attempt to reach the best solutions.



Commercial Sections Department shall be responsible to implement this action. The preparation period


to implement this action is three months provided that the performance assessment of this action must


reach 50 % within the first three months from starting of the implementation and will reach 100 % within


one year. Performance assessment Committee shall be responsible for implementing this action.



All members of Board of Directors of the Chamber, Heads of Commercial Sections and Merchants are


considered the concerned parties of this action.



V - Governization:



( It is the system which governs the decision making process and implementation of the Institution of its


goals ).



Verification of this item shall be done through three actions:



1. Setting up a work sheet which will be directed to the Board of Directors of the Chamber for


the importance to take into consideration the principles of the Society Responsibility when setting up


the strategic plan of the Chamber and resulting procedures.



This action has high priority and economical effect which represents in increasing the financial


revenue of the Chamber and social effect which represents in increasing the degree of trust and loyalty


by the Merchants towards the Chamber. 


Iso Committee shall be the responsible body to implement this action. Preparation of this action shall


take two months starting from the approval of this report.



Performance assessment of this action will reach 30 % within three months starting from


its application.Iso Committee shall be the responsible body for the performance assessment.



Board of Directors of the Chamber and Iso Committee shall be considered the concerned parties


of this action.



2. Design a frame which determines the whole vision, mission and duties that the Chamber assumes in


order to verify the goals of the society responsibility.This action has high priority.


Implementation of this action verifies an economic action which represents in increasing


the efficiency of the Chambers among the economical institutions with the Commercial Society.


And a social effect which represents in performance of the Workers of the Chamber their jobs within


clear and determined frame when providing the services to the Merchant with higher efficiency.



Iso Committee shall be the responsible body for preparation of this sheet within one month from


the date approval of this report. Provided that such sheet should be published in the web site of


the Chamber. Performance assessment of this action will reach 50 % from the first month of


the implementation and will reach 100 % within two months.



Iso Committee shall be the responsible one to follow up the implementation of this action.



All contacts of the Chamber ( internally or externall ) shall be considered that concerned parties of this





3. Activate the Planning and Follow Up Department in order to play its role according to job


description card.



This action has high priority. And also has an economic effect which represents in regular follow up and


revision of the decisions.



The General Secretary ( Head of the Executive Body ) shall be considered the official who is


responsible to implement this action.



Preparation period of this action is 6 months. Implementation needs resources that represent in


providing some employees to work in the Department. Provided that performance assessment must


reach 30 % with the first three months after application, then reach 50 % after six months and 100 % after


one year.



The General Secretary shall follow up and revise this work and the Workers of the Chamber shall be


the concerned parties of this action.



VI – Workers' Practices:


( Worker's practices must be in conformity with the policies and procedures that related with the work.


It is the relation between the Chamber and its Workers ).



In order to activate this principle, three actions have been set up:


1. Amending the Organizational Chart in the Chamber regarding the job description and adding some


jobs to the Workers. This action has high priority in implementation and will have social effect represent


in the satisfaction feeling of the Workers towards verification of appointment equality.



And an economical effect which represents in establishing departments that will provide


better services to the Merchants.



Provided that Iso Committee shall be responsible for this action. Preparation shall be done within 18


months from the date of approving this report.



The performance assessment of this action will reach 50 % in the first six months and reach 100 % after


one year from the application.   



All Workers in the Chamber shall be considered the concerned parties of this action.



2. Specialized training courses for the Workers in each department according to the specialty of


the Worker. This action has medium priority in implementation.



It has an economic effect which represents in increasing the performance levels of the Workers in


the Chamber and will provide financial revenue to the Chamber. Provided that Retail Academy shall be


the responsible body to implement this program.



It shall prepared within 3 months from the date of approving this report. Implementation is in need of


financial resources.



Performance assessment shall be 30 % during the first six months from the implementation and


reaching 100 % within one year. Iso Committee shall be the responsible body for the implementing


the follow up. All workers of the Chamber shall be the concerned parties.




3. Electronic Archiving for the data of the Chamber's Workers:



This action has high priority and social effect which represents in satisfaction feeling of the Workers


as the secrecy of saving their data. And economical effect which represents in increasing


the efficiency of Personnel Department when dealing with the Workers.



Provided that Personnel Affairs Department shall be the responsible body for implementing this action.



Preparation shall be done within one year starting from approving the plan. The implementation is in


need of financial resources.



Performance assessment will reach 50 % in the first three months and 100 % after one year from


the beginning of the implementation.



Performance Assessment Committee shall be the responsible body to follow up the implementation


of this Archiving.



The concerned parties of this Archiving are all Workers in the Chamber and the Personnel Department.




VII – Fair Operation Practices:



( This attributed to the ethical behavior of the Organization. It includes the issues of corruption fighting,


fair competition, ratification of the Social Responsibility with the value chain and respecting


the intellectual rights ).



In this item, one work plan has been determined so that new appoints should be done through


competition and announcement. The selection shall be based on the efficiency under the condition of


availability of the principle of transparency in all phases of the competition.   



This plan has high priority. And this action has social effect as the new workers will feel de to lack of


mediation in the selection process. Also it has economical effect because selecting the worker based on


the efficiency will lead to increasing the performance levels of providing the services to the Merchants.



The responsibility of holding the competitions of the new appointments shall be assumed by the Legal Affairs Department and Personnel Department. Preparation of the work plan will take 3 months from the date of approving this report.

Performance assessment will reach 100 % after three months from the beginning of the implementation.

Legal Affairs Department shall be considered the responsible body for follow up of the implementation.


Personnel Affairs Department and Legal Affairs Department are the concerned parties of this action.


VIII – Consumer Issues ( Fair marketing and contracting practices as well as real and impartial


information ).

The Chamber has responsibility towards the clients which includes the following: culturing regarding


the product – transparency of the marketing information. This item includes three actions:



1. Updating the data of Merchants. This action has high priority in the implementation.



Its implementation will lead to an economic effect through setting up better mechanism for providing


the Merchant with the service. The responsibility of implementing this work shall be assumed by


the General Department of Information. The work plan shall be set up within on year from the date


of approving the plan. His action in need of financial resources in order to verify it. The performance


assessment will reach 40 % in the first 6 months and will reach 60 % in 9 months. The responsibility of


observing and follow up the implementation shall be assumed by Iso Committee. Computer


Department and Information Department are considered the concerned department of this action.



2. Establishing a call center for providing the Merchant with the service



This action has high priority for implementation. It will have economic effect through saving


the time of the Merchant and easy communication between the Chamber and the Merchant.


The responsibility of completing this action shall be assumed by the Public Relation Department.


Its implementation is in need of 6 months from the date of approving the plan.



In order to complete this action, it is necessary to provide financial resources and technical resources


which represent in give training to the Workers in the domain of Customer Services.



Performance assessment will reach to 50 % within the first three months from the implementation.



Computer Department will follow up the implementation of this action. The Merchants are considered


the concerned parties of this action.



3. Design a questionnaire form for the Merchants in order to measure the satisfaction of the Merchants


about the services of the Chamber:



This action has medium priority in the implementation and has an economic effect which represents


on knowing the problems that the Merchants face in the aim to reach suitable solutions as soon as





Research Department is considered the responsible body to prepare this form and analysis of


the same statistically and economically. Site Department shall be responsible for publishing the form in


the web site of the Chamber.


Preparation of form will take 3 months from the date of approving the plan.



Performance assessment will reach 50% after two months. Research Department shall be considered


the responsible body for implementing this action. Therefore, the concerned parties of this action will be


the Merchants, Research Department and Web Site Department.



4. Publishing the advertisements of the services of the Chamber and Merchants on


the web site regularly:



This action had high priority. And will have an economic effect which represents in enhancing


the commercial climate.



The responsibility of this action shall be assumed by the Public Relations Department and


Web Site Department. Preparation of this action will take one month from the date of the approval.



Performance assessment will reach 100 % after one month from the implementation. The duty of


implementation shall be assumed by the Public Relations Department.



The Public Relations Department and web Site Department are considered the concerned parties of this





IX – Consumer Service and support as well as settlement of disputes and problems:



The Chamber has an active role in providing new services to the Merchants and provide them regularly


with consultancy and technical support as well as solving the problems that the Merchants face.



In order to activate this item, two actions shall be prepared:



1. Provide the technical support for the new projects through making feasibility studies for the small





This action ahs medium priority. And has economical effect which represents in helping


the Merchants to establish new projects based on scientific base as well as providing financial


revenue to the Chamber.



Research Department shall be the responsible body for providing this support. Preparation period of this


work plan will take one year from the date of approving the plan.



Implementation of this item required providing of financial resources in order to hold training


courses for the Workers in the Research Department in the domain of feasibility studies preparation.



Iso Committee and Research Department shall follow up the implementation of this action. Merchants,


Research Department and Retail Academy are considered the concerned parties of this action.




2. Holding specialized training courses for the Merchants regularly:



This action has high priority and will have economic effect which represents in increasing the efficiency,


ability and development of the Merchant in his work. Hence, he will get benefit of this action.



The time period for this action will be determined according to the applications that submitted by


the Merchants.



Retail Academy shall be the responsible body for implementing such courses.



Implementation of such courses is in need of financial resources. Retail Academy and Iso Committee


shall be responsible for follow up of implementing this plan.



Merchants and Retail Academy in the Chamber are the concerned parties to implement these courses.


X – Protecting the Consumer's data and the privacy:



(The Chamber shall have an electronic system to save the data of the Merchants).



This item shall be verified through establishing a system for electronic archiving for Certificates





This action has high priority in implementation. Also it has economic effect represents in keeping


the data of the Merchants easily and quickly.



Computer Department shall be the responsible body for implementing this action. The work plan shall


be set up through two months from the date of approving the plan. Establishing such system requires


financial resources. Performance assessment of this action will reach 50 % within two months from the beginning of the implementation.

Computer Department and Iso Committee shall be responsible bodies for follow up of implementing


this action. The concerned parties are the Merchants, Department of Practicing Certificates and


Computer Department.




XI – Health:



( Endeavor to reduce the negative health effects ).



This item will be verified through concluding a contract with a company specialized in the domain


of cleaning and environment protection. This action has high priority. And also has social priority


which represents in feeling satisfaction and psychological comfort for the Workers in the Chamber.


The responsibility of implementing this action shall be assumed by Supplies Department and Building


Affairs Department. Preparation period of this action will take 3 months from the date of approving


the plan. This action in need of financial resources for the implementation. Performance assessment


will reach 30 % and willreach 100 % within six months. Performance Assessment Committee shall be


the responsible body to follow up the implementation of this action.



Supplies Department and Building affairs Department are considered the concerned parties of this





2. Conclude contracts with companies specialized in the domain of health care for the Workers:



This means that the Chamber shall conclude contracts with health care companies in order to provide


better heath care for its Workers because the current project of health insurance by the State is not


suitable. Iso Committee, through cooperation with Board of Directors of the Chamber, shall be


responsible for contracting with a company specialized in the health care.



Sch contracting will take one year from the date of approving the plan. Iso Committee shall be


responsible for the supervision and follow up. Workers in the Chamber and the companies that


specialized in health care are considered the concerned parties.




XII – Merging the Society Responsibility:



Chamber of Commerce in Cairo shall increase the awareness of the Merchants regarding


the Society Responsibility.



Activation of this item shall include implementation of two actions:



1. Issuance of Honor Covenant for the Merchants within the Society Responsibility



This action has high priority and social effect which represents in increasing the awareness of


the Merchant about the Society Responsibility. This will result better performance inside the society


and surrounding environment.



Preparation responsibility shall be assumed by Iso Committee as well as Certificates Department


to ensure distribution of the Covenant to the Merchants. Preparation will take one month from


the beginning of approving the plan. The required resources for the implementation are represented


in financial resources. Performance assessment for distributing this Covenant to the Merchants will


be 20 % in each year so that will reach 100 % within five years. Iso Committee will follow up


the implementation of this action. The concerned parties are the Merchants.



2. Holding awareness seminars for the Merchants regarding the goals of the Society Responsibility


and its correlation with the Commercial Society:



It has high priority and social effect which represents in increasing the awareness of the Merchant


about the principles of the Society Responsibility and increasing the linkup between the Merchant and


the Chamber. Also it verifies an economical effect which represents in getting benefit with the positive


points of the Society Responsibility between the two parties.



The responsibility shall be assumed by Retail Academy, Department of Commercial Sections and


Public Relations Department. Preparation of the program for these seminars will take three months.



This action requires financial resources in order to provide specialized trainers in the domain of


the Social responsibility. Performance Assessment will depend on the suggested program for


the training plan.  



Iso Committee shall follow up and implement this work. The Merchants are the concerned parties.