Chamber News

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Hariri: We are keen to inject Lebanese investments in Egypt

Hariri: We are keen to inject Lebanese investments in Egypt

3 Romanian economic delegations visit Cairo to discuss investment opportunities

3 Romanian economic delegations visit Cairo to discuss investment opportunities

Signing a protocol of cooperation with the Russian syndicate of administrative divisions

Signing a protocol of cooperation with the Russian syndicate of administrative divisions

The fourth Egyptian-Lebanese Business Forum

The fourth Egyptian-Lebanese Business Forum

Establishing the first Egyptian-Serbian Business Council

Establishing the first Egyptian-Serbian Business Council

Egypt to host the world SME forum

Egypt to host the world SME forum

The volume of trade exchange between Egypt and Morocco reaches 700 million dollars

The volume of trade exchange between Egypt and Morocco reaches 700 million dollars

El Araby meets the Saudi Commercial Attaché

El Araby meets the Saudi Commercial Attaché

The Minister of Investment met 11 Ukrainian companies’ representatives.

The Minister of Investment met 11 Ukrainian companies’ representatives.

(GOEIC) conducted Medical screening on genetically modified foods

(GOEIC) conducted Medical screening on genetically modified foods